mechanical technologies

Our mechanical division mainly develops systems and components for traction and braking equipment in the railway and tramway sector. In 50 years of activity we have produced more than 12,000 items. Incoming materials and components are identified and coded so that they can be traced both during the production phases and afterwards. They are also checked and tested by our internal laboratory to verify their conformity and chemical composition.
The warehouse is divided into areas that follow the evolution of the production steps, thus minimizing procurement times.


We have developed a deep know-how in the field of electromechanics, pneumatics and materials. We have become partners of the major companies operating in the maintenance and assistance of rail vehicles. An expertise that we also exploit in other fields of application offering an updated range of services:

  • planning and design, with the latest generation software
  • production of components and systems according to technical specification and design
  • realization of devices according to sample (reverse engineering)
  • consulting in the definition of materials and production processes

We enable two process options:

  • from technical data/features: we design the component through three-dimensional modeling with structural checks and calculations;
  • from sample: in the laboratory we determine what material is made of through chemical analysis, macrographic, micrographic and mechanical tests. Subsequently, with dimensional surveys and scans we elaborate the “mathematics” of the artefact.

Once in possession of the useful data, we start the industrialization by preparing a manufacturing and control plan, and defining the necessary equipment (shells and moulds) and plants, sized on the actual number of pieces to be produced.


Manufacturing is developed with state-of-the-art equipment: we work with 3.4.5-axis machine tools, connected and communicating with the technical department. Each phase is digitally monitored and controlled by our specialized staff. Assemblies and welds (with EN 15085 certification) comply with procedures validated according to European standards. We fully apply the guidelines provided for in the Industry Plan 4.0.

  • Optical emission spectrometer GNR – SOLARIS CCD Plus – Complete with the following bases : steel (all types),aluminum (all types), copper alloys
  • three-dimensional measuring machine DEA Mistral measuring range 1000mm x 700mm x 500mm
  • Test bench granite POLI meas. 1400mm x 800mm
  • Test bench cast iron meas. 2400mm x 1200mm
  • Equipment for magnetic checks TemaFlux (Electromagnetic Yoke Mod.48V double-jointed – Wood’s lamp reflector PS135 – Labio)
  • Equipment control ultrasonic IMG Model D20 Plus with probes flat and angular
  • Roughness ALPA RT – 30
  • Digital Device for the measurement of non-magnetic layers of magnetic materials and of insulating layers on iron materials.
  • Column digital metering instruments 0-600.
  • Digital dial with ability to set tolerance ranges for detecting series of shares.
  • A series of external micrometers (measuring capacity 0-500 mm).
  • Series of micrometers chucks for interior (measurement capabilities 0. -200 mm ).
  • Series of calipers (measuring capacity 0-1500 mm).
  • Durometer AFFRI with ability to run/check Rockwell and Brinell hardness.
  • Durometer AFFRI 3000 Kg for Automatic Brinell hardness with digital display and output data.
  • Series of smooth rings certificates (SIT NAMAS) for calibrating micrometers and bore gauges.
  • Set of gauges 1/50 with measuring range 0 to 2000 mm
  • Series of gauge blocks certified (SIT NAMAS) for calibration of gauges and micrometers.
  • Precision Digital Thermometer (measurement capabilities -200/+1350° C )
  • Series of precision square rulers.
  • Buffers go/not go smooth and threaded and threaded report rings
Thanks to our skills and production capacity,
we can achieve the following in a short time
custom-made products also in small batches and for possible sampling / prototyping.

Railroad equipment

braking system components

components for compressors

diesel engine components


industrial ventilation

electropneumatic valves

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components for wc